Friday, 2 August 2013

CMD: How to check the time on Multiple Machines simultaneously using CMD

Creating and Saving a file with all the machine details

01. Create a new text file and for each machines IP add the following lines:

net time \\
net time \\
net time \\
net time \\
net time \\
net time \\
net time \\
net time \\
net time \\
net time \\
net time \\
net time \\
net time \\
net time \\
net time \\

02. Save the file on your C Drive and call it Checktime.txt.
03. Change the file to a .bat file by changing the extension.

Running the .bat file 

04. Run the following commands:

05. You will find that a a file called TimeResults.txt will be generated in you're C Drive and if you open it will show all the machines and their times:

Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20 
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20
Current time at \\ is 25/07/2013 11:20

Note: An assumption is made that the machine that this command is run on has access to the other machines in the network i.e firewall rules allow access to  the machines is they are on different domains.

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